Design Thinking Hawaii's 13th Annual Bootcamp Tickets Now Available!

Welcome to the Design Thinking Hawaii Website! 

Here you will find more details on the products that DTH provides.  You will also find the latest updates on news and events that DTH is hosting.  Also, if you have any questions or concerns about any products or would like to give feedback, visit our Design Thinking Hawaii forum page where we will answer any questions you have!

Our Mission

Since 2009, the mission of Design Thinking Hawaii (DTH) is to transform Hawaii by introducing innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets and technologies to teachers and students. The goal is to equip teachers and students with the skills necessary to take on the challenges of an uncertain future. DTH is a 501c3 organization. 

How is DTH affecting the Economy and Workforce?

DTH is using the design thinking process to support economic development in Hawaii to diversify the economic engines that drive Hawaii's economy — implementing a new agriculture model using technology (AgTech) and reinforcing the dual-use technology development. DTH is also working with the State of Hawaii and City & County of Honolulu on workforce development initiatives from elementary students to retraining the existing workforce to meet the employment demands for new industry development. 

Products and Services

DTH is the exclusive distributor for the IOT Smart Farms to teach coding (US market), and Artec's maker platform in Hawaii. 

Click on any of the products or services below to learn more information about them!

Design Thinking Hawaii's 12th Annual Boot Camp was a blast! A big Mahalo to everyone who participated!

Click the link above to view the photo gallery from the event!

Upcoming Events

View our Event Page Here to see our gallery of past workshops/events!